Для видеонаблюдения на работе заказал китайский видеорегистратор с DX. Вобщем то пост про интересную его особенность, может кто подаст интересную идею что сделать с ним такого инетресного.
Это удивительно, но мне с трудом удалось найти название модели и как бы производителя: DVR 7108V Даже странно, насколько старательно отовсюду убраны упоминания производителя, 100% noname. Хотя казалось бы если завод выпускает качественный продукт то почему бы не зарабатывать себе имя и репутацию.
Подключаем видеорегистратор в сеть. Во внутренней сети заблокировано почти все, так что заставить его отправлять письма, ходить по фтп и т.п. мне не удалось, а VPN делать просто лень. Включаем в сеть и сканируем:
(в плане администрирования и ковыряния я профан, так что прошу не бить ногами, но закидывать ссылками на ликбезы)
spiritus@serkov-laptop:~$ nmap -v -PN -n -p1-65535
Starting Nmap 5.21 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2013-11-05 16:29 YEKT Initiating Connect Scan at 16:29 Scanning [65535 ports] Discovered open port 23/tcp on Discovered open port 554/tcp on Discovered open port 80/tcp on Discovered open port 9529/tcp on Discovered open port 34567/tcp on Discovered open port 34599/tcp on Discovered open port 9527/tcp on Completed Connect Scan at 16:29, 6.32s elapsed (65535 total ports) Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0013s latency). Not shown: 65528 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 23/tcp open telnet 80/tcp open http 554/tcp open rtsp 9527/tcp open unknown 9529/tcp open unknown 34567/tcp open unknown 34599/tcp open unknown
Read data files from: /usr/share/nmap Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 6.63 seconds
Подключаемся telnet к порту 9527 и видим, что иногда просто так, а местами при нажатии на энтер сыпятся логи и отладочная информация:
spiritus@serkov-laptop:~$ telnet 9527 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'.
connect errorconnect ip[], port[15000] fail! ARSP: OpenNet failed! connect errorconnect ip[], port[15000] fail! ARSP: OpenNet failed! connect errorconnect ip[], port[15000] fail! ARSP: OpenNet failed! Transport: CServerIOThread stop ok Save SysTime to Flash:2013-11-05 17:54:34, Time:8288 Min, Trail:8288 Min Nat Server : : 8000 Nat Server : DeviceMac = [e97812f621573a22] Treansport: vv_nat_init successful UUID=[e97812f621573a22] Treansport: vv_nat_set_param successful Transport: CServerIOThread start OK connect errorconnect ip[], port[15000] fail! ARSP: OpenNet failed! connect errorconnect ip[], port[15000] fail! ARSP: OpenNet failed! connect errorconnect ip[], port[15000] fail! ARSP: OpenNet failed! connect errorconnect ip[], port[15000] fail! ARSP: OpenNet failed! connect errorconnect ip[], port[15000] fail! ARSP: OpenNet failed! Save SysTime to Flash:2013-11-05 17:56:34, Time:8290 Min, Trail:8290 Min connect errorconnect ip[], port[15000] fail! ARSP: OpenNet failed! connect errorconnect ip[], port[15000] fail! ARSP: OpenNet failed! connect errorcurrent time: 2013-11-05 17:57:26 connect ip[], port[15000] fail! ARSP: OpenNet failed! Transport: CServerIOThread stop ok connect errorNat Server : : 8000 Nat Server : DeviceMac = [e97812f621573a22] Treansport: vv_nat_init successful UUID=[e97812f621573a22] Treansport: vv_nat_set_param successful Transport: CServerIOThread start OK connect ip[], port[15000] fail! ARSP: OpenNet failed! login(, ******, Console, address:) user: account invalid User not valid! user name:DHCP: DhcpGetSecDNS DHCP_DNS_SERVER failed! DHCP: ulLease: 60, ulRenewTime: 0, ulReBindTime: 0 DHCP: DhcpAddLease OK RTP: procOptions RTP: procOptions: RTSP/1.0 200 OK Server: H264DVR 1.0 cseq: 142 Public: OPTIONS, DESCRIBE, SETUP, TEARDOWN, GET_PARAMETER, PLAY, PAUSE RTP: procGetParameter RTP: procGetParameter: RTSP/1.0 200 OK Server: H264DVR 1.0 cseq: 21
DHCP: DhcpGetSecDNS DHCP_DNS_SERVER failed! DHCP: ulLease: 60, ulRenewTime: 0, ulReBindTime: 0 DHCP: DhcpAddLease OK RTP: procOptions RTP: procOptions: RTSP/1.0 200 OK Server: H264DVR 1.0 cseq: 143 Public: OPTIONS, DESCRIBE, SETUP, TEARDOWN, GET_PARAMETER, PLAY, PAUSE
DHCP: DhcpGetSecDNS DHCP_DNS_SERVER failed! DHCP: ulLease: 60, ulRenewTime: 0, ulReBindTime: 0 DHCP: DhcpAddLease OK
После этого я в настройках отрубил у регистраторы все постороннее, он попросил перезагрузки:
spiritus@serkov-laptop:~$ telnet 9527 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'.
SMTP 876 50 Normal
ARSP 898 50 Normal
RTSPSvr 894 50 Normal
CNetStateReport 875 50 Normal
TCP_Server 899 50 Normal
CUpnpCli 897 50 Normal
DHCPClient 891 50 Normal
CAutoSearchDevice 892 50 Normal
FTP 877 50 Normal
Alarm 868 50 Normal
Timers: ( 31710 Milli-Seconds Elapsed )
ChnState 31730 Idel
31740 Idel
SaveTime 31910 Idel
LockUser 31940 Idel
Caret 32090 Idel
EventManager 32620 Idel
Encode 32650 Idel
DetectTimer 32690 Idel
33460 Idel
WatchDog 33910 Idel
BitrateStat 34420 Idel
NetBitrateCal 34540 Idel
AutoMaintain 38910 Idel
StorageAlarm 39800 Idel
InputIdle 40090 Idel
LogSaveFile 48910 Idel
55540 Idel
Console 318910 Idel
CConfigManager::setConfig(NetWork.Nat, )
CConfigManager::setConfig(Guide, )
tracepoint: Source/DHCP/DHCP.c,707
Local Login(admin, ******)
super password:jE8i58w3 //выделение мое. Этот пароль я не задавал, и я не смог найти к чему он подходит, это не пароль root
login(admin, ******, GUI, address:)
onVerifyNetDHCP() ../../Manager/VerifyConfig.cpp 835
open file fail: /mnt/mtd/Config/dial-ip
tracepoint: Source/DHCP/DHCP.c,707
tracepoint: Source/DHCP/DHCP.c,707
tracepoint: Source/DHCP/DHCP.c,707
tracepoint: Source/DHCP/DHCP.c,707
username:DHCP: send cmd: DHCP_DISCOVER
DHCP: ulLease: 60, ulRenewTime: 0, ulReBindTime: 0
логинюсь с именем и паролем который я создал в GUI регистратора:
user name:serkov password:serkov login(serkov, ******, Console, address:) serkov$ help ----------------------Console Commands---------------------------- 232 Comm dump 485Pro 485 Protocol! ability Net Ability Utility! ad AD debug interface! alarm Alarm status! autoshut auto shut the DVR
autotest AutoTest Command!
bitrate Dump BitRate infomation! cfg Config Help Utility! comm Comm Input String decoder decorder operation command! encode Encode commands! front front board utility!
fs Fs debug interface! heap Dump heap status! help Try help! localPlay local play console! log Log utility! netitf NetInterFace Dump! netm NetManager Dump! packet Packet usage! ptz ptz dump! quit Quit! reboot Reboot the system! record Record console utility! resource CPU usage! rtp RTP Dump! screen snapshot current screen!
shell Linux shell prompt! shutdown Shutdown the system! thread Dump application threads! time Set SystemTime! timer Dump application timers! upgrade Upgrade utility! user Account Information! ver version info! To see details, please use 'cmd -h'
Некоторые команды вешают GUI намертво, только картинка идет, остальнео умирает. shell мне не получилось применить по назначению (и запускается через раз), в консоли нуб, понял только что это sh и все.
если подключиться во время загрузки то очень много можно увидеть:
spiritus@serkov-laptop:~$ telnet 9527
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
LIBDVR : FrontboardCreate Successful
LIBDVR : Get xcauto Fialed ,xcauto = 0
SystemGetBordType value: 0x1
match success, return
Analog-n1080PChn: 0
Analog-n720PChn: 0
Analog-n960HChn: 0
Analog-nD1Chn: 1
Analog-nHD1Chn: 0
Analog-nCIFChn: 7
Digital-n1080PChn: 0
Digital-n720PChn: 0
Digital-n960HChn: 0
Digital-nD1Chn: 0
Digital-nHD1Chn: 0
Digital-nCIFChn: 0
env_init: mtd0,start:58000000,size:80000,esize:10000 name:boot"
| LIBHICAP: Compiled at May 21 2013 09:22:17
| libdvr version: 2.4.3 - Complie time May 31 2013 14:25:43
| product type: DVR_HI3000D-S
| slave_num: 0
| mast video channel: 8
| mast audio channel: 4
|slave video channel: 0
|slave audio channel: 0
| alarm mode: Com in-4 out-1
| forward video chip: NVP1114
| master chip: hi3511
| back video chip: nvp1114
| store interface: SATA
| network interface: RJ45
SampleSysInit enter
Sofia: $Rev: 1053 $, Build in:Jun 20 2013, 16:50:47, 0
Infra: $Rev: 921 $, Build in:Dec 17 2012, 10:00:56 CInfra::start()>>>>>>>>>> CTimerManager::CTimerManager()>>>>>>>>> CThreadManager::CThreadManager()>>>>>>>>> CConfigManager::start()... CVerifyConfig::Start()... CDefaultConfig::Start()... onVerifyNetIPFilter() ../../Manager/VerifyConfig.cpp 830 onVerifyNetDHCP() ../../Manager/VerifyConfig.cpp 835 onVerifyNetDDNS() ../../Manager/VerifyConfig.cpp 840 onVerifyNetEmail() ../../Manager/VerifyConfig.cpp 845 custom config NetWork.RemoteDevice verify failed with ret:20! GUITheme List:General ethMac:00:12:13:01:4d:29 @CDevAbility::start()>>>>>>>>>> SystemGetExFunction 1307 :ncinfo.vendor =20HasIntelFunc: 0, HasCPCFunc: 0, HasNatFunc: 1, HasSpotFunc: 0, HasBaseFunc: 1, HasHVRFunc:1 m_nVTotalChns: 8, m_nVCapChns: 8, m_nVPlayChns: 8, m_nDigDecChns: 0 CFrontboard::CFrontboard()>>>> CFrontBoardParser::Init()>>>>>>>>> path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/pad path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/pad/DVR_17K4L.nut, name = DVR_17K4L path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/pad/GFDS_11K4L.nut, name = GFDS_11K4L path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/pad/General.nut, name = General path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/pad/TS8OB_7K4L.nut, name = TS8OB_7K4L sProtocolName: DVR_17K4L CFrontBoardParser::Init()>>>>>>>>> path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/remote path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/remote/AnJF.nut, name = AnJF path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/remote/DeJL.nut, name = DeJL path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/remote/DuoPWS.nut, name = DuoPWS path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/remote/General.nut, name = General path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/remote/GuoF.nut, name = GuoF path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/remote/GuoFDS.nut, name = GuoFDS path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/remote/HaiRSX.nut, name = HaiRSX path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/remote/KaiKD.nut, name = KaiKD path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/remote/MeiF.nut, name = MeiF path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/remote/R8CA.nut, name = R8CA path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/remote/SiL.nut, name = SiL path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/remote/TaiA.nut, name = TaiA path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/remote/XinDGC.nut, name = XinDGC sProtocolName: General CConfigManager::setConfig(Ability.DeviceDesc, )
Manager: $Rev: 1008 $, Build in:Jun 20 2013, 16:50:39 CManager::start()>>>>>>>>>> CConsole::start()... CMagicBox::start()... Log Manager starting....! =======Shut Down at 2013-11-5 18:44:51 with m_exitState[1], SerialNo: CAutoMaintain::Start()... CDaylight::start()... LIBDVR : create hotplug monitor thread!LIBDVR : ------ ide library : version 2.00, built at Jun 5 2013, 13:19:56 ----- LIBDVR : FILE -> misc/scanbus.c, LINE -> 744: opendir /proc/scsi/usb-storage/
Launched at Local Time 2013/11/5 18:46:31! CUserManager::start...... onVerifyNetIPFilter() ../../Manager/VerifyConfig.cpp 830 login(default, ******, GUI, address:) CPacketManagerImp::CPacketManagerImp()>>>>>>>>> sm_packetBuf null use self heap memory! Adjust Page! Packet usage : 0K / 10239K, 0%
----------------------[11-05 18:46:31] ======= pre record buf 2048 ===================================== | LIBFVIDEO: Compiled at Jun 19 2013 16:52:22 ===================================== >>>>>>>>>VI_CHN_NUM_HOST_CHIP=8 CPU_IS_3520D ResetSampleChip!!!!!! fvideo_register:Register operation to 1918 VideoSetVstd vstd:1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NEXTCHIP FVIDEO TYPE: NVP1918/4_R0 nvp1918_720h Video Decoder NTSC Mode CMOS ExitTime:2013-11-05 18:44:51 CurrentTime:2013-11-05 18:46:32 Save SysTime to Flash:2013-11-05 18:46:32, Time:8344 Min, Trail:8344 Min reversion2_fix s_videomod:1 NVP1918 Clock 144M Mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nvp1918 S/W reset~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ init_nvp1918_720h_init_ntsc chip = 0x60 VideoOut SetInit Resolution:1024x768 May 21 2013 09:22:18 ==>Comm_VoPubConfig(396): HI_MPI_VO_SetDevCSC failed with 0xa00f8008!
GDI: $Rev: 923 $, Build in:Dec 7 2012, 14:04:54 CGDI::start()>>>>>>>>
@================================= @mem = 0x45e7f000 0x45e7f000 0x00000000 @pitch = 2048 @width = 1024 @height = 768 @foramt = 0 @=================================== CLocales::CLocales()>>>>>>>>> CFontManager::CFontManager()>>>>>>>>> SuportLang:Arabic SuportLang:Brazilian SuportLang:Bulgarian SuportLang:Czech SuportLang:Dutch SuportLang:English SuportLang:Farsi SuportLang:Finnish SuportLang:French SuportLang:German SuportLang:Greek SuportLang:Hebrew SuportLang:Hungarian SuportLang:Indonesian SuportLang:Italian SuportLang:Japanese SuportLang:Poland SuportLang:Portugal SuportLang:Romanian SuportLang:Russian SuportLang:SimpChinese SuportLang:Slovakia SuportLang:Spanish SuportLang:Swedish SuportLang:Thai SuportLang:TradChinese SuportLang:Turkey SuportLang:Vietnamese CConfigManager::getConfig 'General', but default config is not set yet! GUI Use Theme:default PageRecord PageConfigRecord PageConfigSnapshot PagePlay PageBackup PageAlarm PageConfigMotionDetect PageConfigBlindDetect PageConfigLossDetect PageConfigAlarm PageAlarmOut PageConfigAbnormal PageConfigVideoAnalyze PageConfig PageConfigGeneral PageConfigEncode PageConfigNetCommon PageConfigNetService PageConfigDisplay PageConfigPtz PageConfigComm PageConfigTour PageConfigSpot PageConfigDigiCh PageDigitalConfig PageDigitStatus PageDigitalInfo PageTool PageHddManager PageUserManager PageInfoOnlineUser PageTVAdjust PageAutoMaintain PageConfigDefault PageUpgrade PageDeviceDesc PageConfigPos PageImExport PageConfigNormalGPSTiming PageInfo PageInfoHdd PageInfoBps PageInfoLog PageInfoVersion PageCarFunction PageConfigCarStatus PageConfigDelay PageConfigGPSTiming PageConfigCarDisplay PageExit Logo Path:/mnt/logo/h264dvr.gif CBackupManager::CBackupManager()>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CDriverManager::CDriverManager()>>>>>>>>>
Storage: $Rev: 922 $, $Author: liwj $, Build in:Jun 15 2013, 14:06:31
scsin: 0
info[0].scsin: 0
Unknown type:Direct-Access
scsi_info[0].scsin : 0
wfs_file_sys_init() libWFS.a $Rev: 9 $, Build in:Jun 15 2013 08:48:18
disk_num = 1
cap: 1953525168, 931(G)
get frame in other frame oh bad MP4Code is 1fd expectNextHead is 882e16a
get frame in other frame oh bad MP4Code is 1fd expectNextHead is 822e56a
get frame in other frame oh bad MP4Code is 1fd expectNextHead is 8c2e56b
get frame in other frame oh bad MP4Code is 1fd expectNextHead is 862e16d
frame error expectNextHead is b6
get frame in other frame oh bad MP4Code is 1fd expectNextHead is 2722e46b
frame error expectNextHead is 554
frame error expectNextHead is 441
wfs_file_sys_init() end============================
driver basic parameter: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBDVR : /dev/sda Standby, Yimer = 10Min LIBDVR : /dev/sda Wakeup | dev.part |type|total_clus | temp_off | index_off | dir_off | data_off | rev_clus | sec/clus |status| |----------|----|-----------|----------|-----------|---------|----------|----------|----------|------| |0.0 -> 0.0| 0| 476919| 24| 61696| 187| 62720| 64| 4096|0x0000| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ driver operation parameter: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | dev.part | F| S| curr | start1 | end1 | start2 | end2 | | | | | |MM-DD HH:MM:SS| clus |MM-DD HH:MM:SS| clus |MM-DD HH:MM:SS| clus |MM-DD HH:MM:SS| clus | |----------|--|--|--------|--------------|--------|--------------|--------|--------------|--------|--------------|--------| *0.0 -> 0.0| 0| O| 46692|10-10 02:30:01| 64|11-05 18:45:44| 46692|00-00 00:00:00| 0|00-00 00:00:00| 0| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- driver time chart: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |dev.part | period of time | |---------|----------------------------------------------------------------| | 0. 0 |_ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ driver time sections: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |dev part |start_clus| end_clus | start_time | end_time | |---------|----------|----------|-------------------|-------------------| | 0. 0 | 64 | 71 | 13-10-10 02:30:01 | 13-10-10 02:32:31 | | 0. 0 | 72 | 46692 | 13-10-10 00:24:49 | 13-11-05 18:45:44 | | 0. 0 | 0 | 0 | 00-00-00 00:00:00 | 00-00-00 00:00:00 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMedia::start() $Rev: 972
gt;>>>> VoGetColor vodev:0,lum:50,con:58,hue:50,sat:60 VoGetColor vodev:2,lum:50,con:50,hue:50,sat:50 onVerifyAudioInFormat() ../../Manager/VerifyConfig.cpp 1202 onVerifyTour() ../../Manager/VerifyConfig.cpp 1116 1 8 CCaptureBuffer::CCaptureBuffer size = 2048 KB sched set 98, 2 1 8 CPlayer::start()...... CPacketBuffer::CPacketBuffer size = 2047 KB CConfigManager::getConfig 'Media', but default config is not set yet! CLocalPlayer::onConfigEncode maxDecodePower:0 CLocalPlayer::start()........ CLocalPlayer::start().....OK... onVerifyTour() ../../Manager/VerifyConfig.cpp 1116 ===>>> VideoSetTVMargin (0, 0, 0, 0) channel:0 hdly =155 vdly =60 hbnd=0 vbnd =232 channel:1 hdly =155 vdly =60 hbnd=0 vbnd =232 channel:2 hdly =155 vdly =60 hbnd=0 vbnd =232 channel:3 hdly =155 vdly =60 hbnd=0 vbnd =232 channel:4 hdly =155 vdly =60 hbnd=0 vbnd =232 channel:5 hdly =155 vdly =60 hbnd=0 vbnd =232 channel:6 hdly =155 vdly =60 hbnd=0 vbnd =232 channel:7 hdly =155 vdly =60 hbnd=0 vbnd =232 CSplitManager::start()...... CConfigManager::setConfig(General.SystemState, ) NVP1918 video set color is bri 16, con 123 hue 1 sat 149 u_gain 0x0 v_gain 0x0 sharp 0x808 cpu:1 NVP1918 video set color is bri 16, con 123 hue 1 sat 149 u_gain 0x0 v_gain 0x0 sharp 0x808 cpu:1 NVP1918 video set color is bri 16, con 123 hue 1 sat 149 u_gain 0x0 v_gain 0x0 sharp 0x808 cpu:1 NVP1918 video set color is bri 16, con 123 hue 1 sat 149 u_gain 0x0 v_gain 0x0 sharp 0x808 cpu:1 NVP1918 video set color is bri 16, con 123 hue 1 sat 149 u_gain 0x0 v_gain 0x0 sharp 0x808 cpu:1 NVP1918 video set color is bri 16, con 123 hue 1 sat 149 u_gain 0x0 v_gain 0x0 sharp 0x808 cpu:1 NVP1918 video set color is bri 16, con 123 hue 1 sat 149 u_gain 0x0 v_gain 0x0 sharp 0x808 cpu:1 NVP1918 video set color is bri 16, con 123 hue 1 sat 149 u_gain 0x0 v_gain 0x0 sharp 0x808 cpu:1 CRecordManager::start()>>>>>>>>> tracepoint: ../../Media/CaptureBuffer.cpp,189 tracepoint: ../../Media/CaptureBuffer.cppLIBDVR : CommOpen Successful LIBDVR : unsupported stop bits 1 LIBDVR : Create Ptz Dev Successful LIBDVR : Open Ptz Dev Successful LIBDVR : Ptz Dev Has Already Open LIBDVR : /dev/sda Wakeup open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/Record3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/Record4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/Search3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/Search4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/RecordConfig3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/RecordConfig4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/RecordMode0.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/RecordMode1.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/RecordMode2.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/RecordMode3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/RecordMode4.jpg failed ,189 tracepoint: ../../Media/CaptureBuffer.cpp,189 tracepoint: ../../Media/CaptureBuffer.cpp,189 tracepoint: ../../Media/CaptureBuffer.cpp,189 tracepoint: ../../Media/CaptureBuffer.cpp,189 tracepoint: ../../Media/CaptureBuffer.cpp,189 tracepoint: ../../Media/CaptureBuffer.cpp,189 ethMac:00:12:13:01:4d:29 CFrontBoardProtocol::start()...... KeyMap OK ............. sPadName :DVR_17K4L name: DVR_17K4L sRemoteName :General name: General onVerifyComm() ../../Manager/VerifyConfig.cpp 1100 CNutParser::Init()>>>>>>>>> path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485 path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/DaHua.nut, name = DaHua path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/DaHua2.nut, name = DaHua2 path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/GPS.nut, name = GPS path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/General.nut, name = General path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/HB5003.nut, name = HB5003 path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/HanBang.nut, name = HanBang path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/Hikvision.nut, name = Hikvision path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/InteractCmd.nut, name = InteractCmd path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/LongYang-D900.nut, name = LongYang-D900 path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/LongYang.nut, name = LongYang path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/MeiFang.nut, name = MeiFang path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/MinYang.nut, name = MinYang path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/MinYang3.nut, name = MinYang3 path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/Ranging.nut, name = Ranging path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/SISO.nut, name = SISO path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/Transparent.nut, name = Transparent path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/Universal-CS8x.nut, name = Universal-CS8x path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/Vista.nut, name = Vista CComm::start()>>>>>>>>> The thread create.......... onVerifyComm() ../../Manager/VerifyConfig.cpp 1100 CPtz::CPtz()>>>>>>>>> onVerifyPTZ() ../../Manager/VerifyConfig.cpp 1105 CConfigManager::getConfig 'Uart', but default config is not set yet! onVerifyPTZTour() Source/Ptz.cpp 1152 onVerifyPTZ() ../../Manager/VerifyConfig.cpp 1105 CPtz::Init()>>>>>>>>> CRS485::CRS485()>>>>>>>>> CNutParser::Init()>>>>>>>>> path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485 path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/DaHua.nut, name = DaHua path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/DaHua2.nut, name = DaHua2 path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/GPS.nut, name = GPS path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/General.nut, name = General path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/HB5003.nut, name = HB5003 path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/HanBang.nut, name = HanBang path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/Hikvision.nut, name = Hikvision path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/InteractCmd.nut, name = InteractCmd path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/LongYang-D900.nut, name = LongYang-D900 path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/LongYang.nut, name = LongYang path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/MeiFang.nut, name = MeiFang path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/MinYang.nut, name = MinYang path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/MinYang3.nut, name = MinYang3 path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/Ranging.nut, name = Ranging path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/SISO.nut, name = SISO path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/Transparent.nut, name = Transparent path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/Universal-CS8x.nut, name = Universal-CS8x path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/rs485/Vista.nut, name = Vista CNutParser::Init()>>>>>>>>> path = /usr/bin/Squirrel/netkeyboard CRS485Protocol start... onVerifyPTZAlarmProtocol() ../../Manager/VerifyConfig.cpp 751 CAlarmManager::instance()->start()... CAlarm::CAlarm()>>>>>>>>> CAlarm::Start()>>>>>>>>> pParam->iLevel:3,nvp1918_motion_sens_tbl[pParam->iLevel-1]:50 pParam->iLevel:3,nvp1918_motion_sens_tbl[pParam->iLevel-1]:50 pParam->iLevel:3,nvp1918_motion_sens_tbl[pParam->iLevel-1]:50 pParam->iLevel:3,nvp1918_motion_sens_tbl[pParam->iLevel-1]:50 pParam->iLevel:3,nvp1918_motion_sens_tbl[pParam->iLevel-1]:50 pParam->iLevel:3,nvp1918_motion_sens_tbl[pParam->iLevel-1]:50 pParam->iLevel:3,nvp1918_motion_sens_tbl[pParam->iLevel-1]:50 pParam->iLevel:3,nvp1918_motion_sens_tbl[pParam->iLevel-1]:50 CGUI::Start()>>>>>>>>> CConfigManager::setConfig(fVideo.GUISet, ) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error psz:&Tip this page may cause memory fault! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error psz:&Tipopen /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/Backup3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/Backup4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/Alarm3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/Alarm4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/MotionDetect3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/MotionDetect4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/BlindDetect3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/BlindDetect4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/VideoLoss3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/VideoLoss4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/NetAlarm3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/NetAlarm4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/AlarmIn3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/AlarmIn4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/AlarmOut3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/AlarmOut4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/AlarmAbnormal3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/AlarmAbnormal4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/SystemInfo3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/SystemInfo4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/HDDInfo3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/HDDInfo4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/BPSInfo3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/BPSInfo4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/LogInfo3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/LogInfo4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/Version3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/Version4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/AlarmStatus0.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/AlarmStatus1.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/AlarmStatus2.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/AlarmStatus3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/AlarmStatus4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/OnlineUser3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/OnlineUser4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/Config3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/Config4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/GeneralConfig3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/GeneralConfig4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/EncodeConfig3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/EncodeConfig4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/CommConfig3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/CommConfig4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/NetService3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/NetService4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/NetCommon3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/NetCommon4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/PtzConfig3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/PtzConfig4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/TourConfig3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/TourConfig4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/DisplayConfig3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/DisplayConfig4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/DefaultConfig3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/DefaultConfig4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/SystemConfig3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/SystemConfig4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/HDDManager3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/HDDManager4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/UserManager3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/UserManager4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/AutoMaintain3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/AutoMaintain4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/TVAdjust3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/TVAdjust4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/Exit3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/Exit4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/Upgrade3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/Upgrade4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/DeviceDesc3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/DeviceDesc4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/StroagePosition0.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/StroagePosition1.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/StroagePosition2.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/StroagePosition3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/StroagePosition4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/PageDeviceProduct0.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/PageDeviceProduct1.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/PageDeviceProduct2.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/PageDeviceProduct3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/PageDeviceProduct4.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/ImExport3.jpg failed open /mnt/custom/data/Pics/General//Navagation/ImExport4.jpg failed DHCPPROTO: eth name(eth1) not valid DHCPPROTO: eth name(eth2) not valid DHCPPROTO: eth name(eth3) not valid RTP: CRtspSvrApp start ok DHCP: send cmd: DHCP_DISCOVER this page may cause memory fault! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error psz:&ConfigAlarm.PtzLinkage this page may cause memory fault! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error psz:&RecordStorage.ScheduleSet this page may cause memory fault! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error psz:Set this page may cause memory fault! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error psz:&ConfigAlarm.PtzLinkage this page may cause memory fault! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error psz:&RecordStorage.ScheduleSet this page may cause memory fault! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error psz:Set this page may cause memory fault! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error psz:&ConfigAlarm.PtzLinkage this page may cause memory fault! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error psz:&RecordStorage.ScheduleSet this page may cause memory fault! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error psz:Set this page may cause memory fault! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error psz:&ConfigAlarm.PtzLinkage this page may cause memory fault! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error psz:&RecordStorage.ScheduleSet this page may cause memory fault! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error psz:Set this page may cause memory fault! Not Found string 'Language.Norsk' !!! Not Found string 'Language.Dansk' !!! Not Found string 'CommProtocol.GPS' !!! Not Found string 'CommProtocol.General' !!! Not Found string 'CommProtocol.InteractCmd' !!! Not Found string 'CommProtocol.Ranging' !!! Not Found string 'CommProtocol.Transparent' !!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error psz:&Title.SystemUpgrade this page may cause memory fault! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error psz:&Tip this page may cause memory fault! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error psz:&Title.PtzConfig this page may cause memory fault! NetMask(GET):
NetIP: $Rev: 1055 $, $Author: chencb $, Build in:Jun 20 2013, 16:50:19 CNetService::start()>>>>>>>>>> NetMask(GET): onVerifyNetEmail() ../../Manager/VerifyConfig.cpp 845 onVerifyNetDDNS() ../../Manager/VerifyConfig.cpp 840 Value::asCString:null failed! DHCPD: start ... NETSTATED: start ... SMTPD: >>>>>>>>>>>>>Start DDNS: Start .... NTPD: Start OK... AUTOSEARCH: start ... AlarmCenter: Start .... CRtpApp start ok ver ---- V4.02.R11.04700082, [047 00 082] ****************************************************************************httpd 1.00 Mar 28 2013, Status: NOK ***** http port = 80, tcp port = 34567, udp port = 34568, language = 0, file name: /mnt/web ****************************************************************************szUrl: http://cctvsv.com:80/ocx/Active.exe UPNP: start ... ARSP: Start ....
NetIP: $Rev: 1055 $, $Author: chencb $, Build in:Jun 20 2013, 16:49:46
Transport: CServerIOThread start OK
Transport: CServerIOThread start OK
CNetManager start ok
m_iPushFd: 182, m_iPopFd: 187
Name PID Prior State
Main 831 64 Normal
TimerManager 832 50 Normal
Pooled 833 50 Normal
Console 837 50 Normal
DevFrontboard 869 50 Normal
Pooled 838 50 Normal
Pooled 839 50 Normal
Pooled 840 50 Normal
DevMouse 841 50 Normal
DriverManager 845 50 Normal
Backup 843 50 Normal
GUI 876 50 Normal
Comm 870 50 Normal
CaptureManager 846 98 Normal
RecordManager 865 50 Normal
DevPtz 872 50 Normal
Еще эта зараза спустя пару минут после загрузки меняет IP
spiritus@serkov-laptop:~$ telnet 9527 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'.
TPTCPServer CloseClient: 0
url is rtsp://
strIP:, strPort: 554, nChannel: 0, nStream: 0
profile_level_id: 64001e, sprop_parameter_sets: Z2QAHq2EAQwgCGEAQwgCGEAQwgCEK1BYHsg=,aO48sA==, strSPS: Z2QAHq2EAQwgCGEAQwgCGEAQwgCEK1BYHsg=, strPPS: aO48sA==
url is rtsp://
url is rtsp://
strIP:, strPort: 554, nChannel: 0, nStream: 0
session is 561730
url is rtsp://
TPTCPServer CloseClient: 0
CConfigManager::setConfig(General.SystemState, )
CConfigManager::setConfig(General.SystemState, )
CConfigManager::setConfig(General.SystemState, )
url is rtsp://
strIP:, strPort: 554, nChannel: 1, nStream: 0
profile_level_id: 640014, sprop_parameter_sets: Z2QAFK2EAQwgCGEAQwgCGEAQwgCEK1Cw/IA=,aO48sA==, strSPS: Z2QAFK2EAQwgCGEAQwgCGEAQwgCEK1Cw/IA=, strPPS: aO48sA==
url is rtsp://
url is rtsp://
strIP:, strPort: 554, nChannel: 1, nStream: 0
session is 565260
CConfigManager::setConfig(General.SystemState, )
CConfigManager::setConfig(General.SystemState, )
CConfigManager::setConfig(General.SystemState, )
CConfigManager::setConfig(General.SystemState, )
CConfigManager::setConfig(General.SystemState, )
CConfigManager::setConfig(General.SystemState, )
aa 1a 84 1
aa 1a 84 01
aa 1a 84 0
aa 1a 84 00
CConfigManager::setConfig(General.SystemState, )
Save SysTime to Flash:2013-11-05 18:56:32, Time:8354 Min, Trail:8354 Min
current time: 2013-11-05 18:56:44
Save SysTime to Flash:2013-11-05 18:58:32, Time:8356 Min, Trail:8356 Min
CConfigManager::setConfig(General.SystemState, )
Save SysTime to Flash:2013-11-05 19:00:32, Time:8358 Min, Trail:8358 Min
current time: 2013-11-05 19:01:44
Save SysTime to Flash:2013-11-05 19:02:32, Time:8360 Min, Trail:8360 Min
Save SysTime to Flash:2013-11-05 19:04:32, Time:8362 Min, Trail:8362 Min
Save SysTime to Flash:2013-11-05 19:06:32, Time:8364 Min, Trail:8364 Min
current time: 2013-11-05 19:06:45
Save SysTime to Flash:2013-11-05 19:08:32, Time:8366 Min, Trail:8366 Min
open file fail: /mnt/mtd/Config/dial-ip
username:RTP: procOptions
RTP: procOptions: RTSP/1.0 200 OK
Server: H264DVR 1.0
cseq: 23
DHCP: DhcpGetSecDNS DHCP_DNS_SERVER failed! DHCP: ulLease: 60, ulRenewTime: 0, ulReBindTime: 0 DHCP: DhcpAddLease OK
Ковыряния в залогиненом состоянии:
serkov$ rtp RtpSessionListMap: 0, Msg: 0 Time interval: 2500, RTSPSessionList: 0 RTSPSessionPortList: 0 serkov$ cfg cfg -d [name] [index] display the config of name! cfg -a display all config name! cfg -p dispaly config file path! cfg -m dispaly map status! cfg -c [path] convert config file to styled file! cfg -s [path] style dump config file! cfg -n [name] [path] style dump config file! cfg -g [config] [dir] save the differences betwen current configs and default configs. config is the config name,like fVideo, * means all config; dir is the directory where to save the result serkov$ DHCP: DhcpGetSecDNS DHCP_DNS_SERVER failed! DHCP: ulLease: 60, ulRenewTime: 0, ulReBindTime: 0 DHCP: DhcpAddLease OK cfg -m
--------------------------------Apply Map members------------------------------ AVEnc.Encode AVEnc.VideoColor AVEnc.VideoWidget AVEnc.WaterMark Ability.DeviceDescAbility.EncodePower Ability.SerialNoAbility.SupportVstd Alarm.LocalAlarm Alarm.NetAbort Alarm.NetAlarmAlarm.NetIPConflict Detect.BlindDetect Detect.LossDetectDetect.MotionDetectGeneral.AutoMaintain General.General General.LocationGeneral.SupportLangGeneral.SystemState Media.DecodeParamNetWork.AlarmServerNetWork.LocalSdkPlatform NetWork.Nat NetWork.Net3G NetWork.NetARSP NetWork.NetCommon NetWork.NetDDNS NetWork.NetDNS NetWork.NetEmail NetWork.NetFTPNetWork.NetIPFilter NetWork.NetKeyboard NetWork.NetMobile NetWork.NetNTP NetWork.Pos NetWork.Upnp NetWork.Wifi RecordStorage.StorageFailure Storage.StorageLowSpaceStorage.StorageNotExistStorage.StoragePosition Uart.Comm Uart.PTZ Uart.RS485 VideoChannel fVideo.GUISet fVideo.LossShowStr fVideo.Play fVideo.TVAdjust fVideo.Tour fVideo.VoColorAdjust --------------------------------Verify Map members------------------------------ AVEnc.CombineEncodeAVEnc.CombineEncodeParam AVEnc.Encode AVEnc.VideoColor AVEnc.VideoWidget Alarm.LocalAlarm Alarm.NetAbortAlarm.NetIPConflict Alarm.PTZAlarmProtocolDetect.BlindDetect Detect.LossDetectDetect.MotionDetect General.AutoMaintain General.General General.LocationNetWork.DigManagerShow NetWork.NetCommon NetWork.NetDDNS NetWork.NetDHCP NetWork.NetDNS NetWork.NetEmailNetWork.NetIPFilter NetWork.NetMobile NetWork.NetNTP NetWork.NetPPPoE NetWork.RTSPNetWork.RemoteDevice Record Storage.SnapshotStorage.StorageFailureStorage.StorageLowSpaceStorage.StorageNotExist Uart.Comm Uart.PTZ Uart.PTZPreset Uart.PTZTour fVideo.AudioInFormat fVideo.GUISetfVideo.LossShowStr fVideo.Play fVideo.TVAdjust fVideo.Tour fVideo.VideoOutfVideo.VideoOutPriority fVideo.VoColorAdjust --------------------------------Valid Map members------------------------------ AVEnc.CombineEncode AVEnc.Encode AVEnc.VideoColor AVEnc.VideoWidget AVEnc.WaterMarkAbility.DeviceDescAbility.EncodePowerAbility.GUIThemeList Ability.SerialNoAbility.SupportVstdAbility.VGAResolution Alarm.LocalAlarm Alarm.NetAbort Alarm.NetAlarmAlarm.NetIPConflictDetect.BlindDetect Detect.LossDetectDetect.MotionDetectGeneral.AutoMaintain General.General General.LocationGeneral.SupportLangGeneral.SystemState Guide Media.DecodeParamNetWork.AlarmServerNetWork.DigManagerShowNetWork.LocalSdkPlatform NetWork.Nat NetWork.Net3G NetWork.NetARSP NetWork.NetCommon NetWork.NetDDNS NetWork.NetDNS NetWork.NetEmail NetWork.NetFTP NetWork.NetIPFilterNetWork.NetKeyboard NetWork.NetMobile NetWork.NetNTP NetWork.Pos NetWork.RTSP NetWork.Upnp NetWork.Wifi Produce.Test Record Storage.SnapshotStorage.StorageFailure Storage.StorageLowSpaceStorage.StorageNotExistStorage.StoragePosition Uart.Comm Uart.PTZ Uart.PTZTour Uart.RS485 VideoChannel fVideo.GUISetfVideo.LossShowStr fVideo.Play fVideo.TVAdjust fVideo.Tour fVideo.VideoOutfVideo.VideoOutPriorityfVideo.VoColorAdjust fVideo.Volume serkov$ DHCP: DhcpGetSecDNS DHCP_DNS_SERVER failed! DHCP: ulLease: 60, ulRenewTime: 0, ulReBindTime: 0 DHCP: DhcpAddLease OK cfg -a --------------------------------All Config members------------------------------ AVEnc Ability Alarm Detect General Guide Media NetWork Produce Record Storage Uart VideoChannel fVideo
--------------------------------Default Config members------------------------------ AVEnc Ability Alarm Car Detect General Guide Media NetPlat NetWork Produce ProfessionNvrMode Record Storage Uart VideoChannel fVideo
--------------------------------Custom Config members------------------------------ AVEnc Ability Alarm Car Detect General Guide Media NetPlat NetWork Produce ProfessionNvrMode Record Storage Uart VideoChannel fVideo
Щас воткнул диск который шел в комплекте. В инструкции на диске есть описание пути куда цепляться что бы картинку играть через VLC. Но при этом для того что бы в файрфоксе все работало они предлагают установить IE-tabs аддон. Хотя у меня в линуксе все заработало из коробки благодаря totem
С облаками тоже все не ясно. Инструкция на диске советует
Инструкция на вкладыше советует http://xmeye.net
Документ про upgrade tool рассказывает что можно удаленно… обновить логотип выводимый на экран при включении. Про обновление прошивки — ни слова.
Кто что интересного высмотрел в логах — ткните пальцем, хочу повышать свою квалификацию)